What are Digital Mysteries for the iPad?
They are unique apps allowing pairs to work simultaneously on one iPad. Tasks come in various subjects and are mapped to the National Curriculum of England. Users are given an open question and illustrated slips of information which they must read and organise (with tools; groups, notes and sticky tape) to help them answer it. Please see below for the list of apps, ranging from those aimed at KS1-KS4.
What is different about Digital Mysteries?
Truly collaborative: It is unique in that more than one student can interact with it at once
Record of learning: Students interact and have fun with exciting technology then they can share/print a PDF report of their session
Cross-curricular: Mysteries come in various topics plus many are cross-curricular in themselves
Speaking and listening: Due to its collaborative nature, each session aligns to this plus ‘group discussion and interaction’.
Reflection: Students can playback and discuss their sessions, emphasising the importance of the process as well as the answer.
Research: We’ve done years of academic research on how to make the most of touch screens for learning, especially collaboration
What mysteries are available on the App Store?

Rememberance - KS1/2
Question: Why did Sarah attend the Remembrance service?
Subject: History
Topics: War, poppy, service, history, remembrance, armistice

Amy - KS1/Y2
Question: Why didn’t Amy come to school today?
Subject: PSHE, English
Topics: PSHE, Citizenship, Relationships, English

Bob's Algorithm - KS2
Question: Can you write Bob’s algorithm in one line and show what the password will be for a different name and website?
Subject: Computing
Topics: Logical Reasoning, Algorithms, Variables, Passwords, Digital Literacy

Captain Quint - KS2
Question:Did Captain Quint and his crew make it round the world in 50 days?
Subject: Maths
Topics: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, statistics, measurement

Cup and ring marks - KS2
Question:Why did Neolithic and Bronze Age people carve cup and ring marks into rock?
Subject: History
Topics: Neolithic, Bronze Age, traditions, pre-history

Jenny's Shadow - KS2
Question: Why did Jenny lose her shadow?
Subject: Science, English
Topics: The everyday effects of light; Periodic changes; Group discussion and interaction

King Ted - KS2
Question: Who killed King Ted?
Subject: Maths
Topics: Mental methods addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, comparing, calculations

Marble land - KS2
Question: What path did you have to take to get to your character’s treasure and what is the secret code to unlock it?
Subject: Computing, Maths
Topics: Variables, sequences, selection

Pip the dog - KS2
Question: Should Emma be allowed to keep Pip?
Subject: PSHE, English, Science
Topics: Confidence and responsibility, Citizenship, Group discussion and interaction

Santiago de Compostela- KS2
Question: Why did Sarah visit Santiago de Compostela?
Subject: Spanish, Geography
Topics: pilgrimage, journey, holiday, Spain, Spanish, religion, Christianity, St James, Catholic

The Roman retreat from Hadrian’s Wall - KS2
Question: Why did Maximus leave Hadrian’s Wall?
Subject: History, English, PSHE
Topics: Romans, Hadrian’s Wall, Empire, fort, Maximus

Theo in Ancient Greece - KS2
Question: What is Theo most proud of about Ancient Greece?
Subject: History
Topics: Ancient Greece
Trev the Triff - KS2
Question: Why did Vincent lose his ear?
Subject: Art, English
Topics: Great artists in history, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Group discussion and interaction
Vincent van Gogh - KS2
Question: Should Trev hire the new machine or stick with the old one?
Subject: Maths
Topics: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, multi-step problem, averages
WAN Island - KS2
Question: What is the best way, or combination of ways to 1) send a warning from Peer Village to Hub Village?2) send an invitation from Nap Village to Ack Village where they need a yes/no reply?
Subject: Computing
Topics: Network, protocol, communication, router, messaging
Where does Pebbles live? - KS2
Question: Where does Pebbles live?
Subject: Science, English
Topics: Evolution, Inheritance, Animals, Humans, Group discussion, Group interaction
Why did Tyke Turner steal? - KS2
Question: Why did Tyke Turner steal?
Subject: Citizenship, English, PSHE
Topics: Health, Safety, Lifestyle, Development, Character, Group Discussion, Interaction
1933 German Election - KS3
Question: Hans Fassbender is an ordinary German worker who lives in Hamburg in 1933. Why would he vote for Hitler's Nazi party?
Subject: History, English
Topics: Germany, German, Vote, Election, Hitler, Nazi, 1933, Enabling Act
Animal Farm - KS3
Question: How do the pigs take control of Animal Farm at the time of the Rebellion and its aftermath?
Subject: English
Topics: Literature, Politics, Authority, Power, Manipulation, Revolt, Mutiny, Communism
Browser-based vs. stand-alone - KS3
Question: Should the team make a browser-based application with JavaScript and HTML or a stand-alone application (needs to be installed) with C++, and why?
Subject: Computing
Topics: Programming Languages
Search Algorithms - KS3
Question: Which method do you think is better for finding books at the new library in the school?
Subject: Computing
Topics: Search Algorithms
Spanish Exploration and Conquest - KS3
Question: Why did young Spaniards like Pablo Abrantes join voyages of exploration to the New World, which led eventually to the control by Spain of most of South America?
Subject: History
Topics: Exploration, Conquest, Explorers, New World, Conquistadors
The Fire of Faydale - KS3
Question: Who do you think started the fire and why?
Subject: Computing
Topics: Boolean Logic
UK Election 2015 - KS3
Question: Where should Grace Feng put her cross on May 7th and why?
Subject: PSHE, Politics
Topics: Elections, debate, Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, UKIP
WW1 Trenches - KS3
Question: Were the physical or the mental dangers faced by soldiers in the trenches of World War One more serious?
Subject: History, English
Topics: WW1, Soldier, Obituary, Trenches
Jesus Crucifixion - KS3/KS4
Question: Why is Jesus crucifixion significant?
Subject: RE
Topics: Christianity, Jesus, Easter, Crucifixion, Bible
A Midsummer Night’s Dream - KS3/KS4
Question: Which of the characters in ’A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ possess the most power?
Subject: English, Drama
Topics: Literature, Shakespeare, Love, Enchantment, Comedy, Relationships, Play
Boscastle Flooding - KS3/KS4
Question: Why is Colin facing his worst fears?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Flooding, Society, Economy, Nature, Environment, Climate, Causes

Chugley Film Club - KS3/KS4
Question: Which film would be suitable for Mr. Spine to show at the next ‘Film Evening’ and why?
Subject: Media
Topics: Film Festival, Audience, Genres, Education, Marketing, Industry
Earthquake (Haiti case study) - KS3/KS4
Question: Why was the Haiti Earthquake in 2010 so devastating for the country?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Nature, Earthquake, Disaster, Society, Economy, Poverty, Causes
Flooding in Bangladesh - KS3/KS4
Question: Why is Saied struggling to pay his house insurance?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Flooding, Nature, Disaster, Effects, Environment, Society, Delta, LEDC
Romeo And Juliet - KS3/KS4
Question: How and why does the fight in Act Three Scene One of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ escalate into such a serious incident?
Subject: English
Topics: Literature, Opposites, Contrasts, Feuds, Tragedy, Love, Shakespeare, Romance
Volcanic Eruption - KS3/KS4
Question: Why is Fidel on a flight to London?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Nature, Disaster, Hazard, Effects
Alcohol Prohibition in the USA - KS4
Question: Why was Prohibition felt to be necessary in The USA in 1919, and then repealed in 1933?
Subject: History
Topics: US History, Law, Society, Economy, Politics
China Population - KS4
Question: Why is Stan Lui still looking for a girlfriend?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Population, Effects, Fertility, Society, Sexism, Prejudice
Macbeth’s Influences - KS4
Question: What are the key influences on the behaviour of Macbeth?
Subject: English
Topics: Macbeth, Shakespeare, GCSE, Influences, Witches, Bravery, Theatre, Drama
Mark's Representation of Miracles - KS4
Question: Why are miracle stories an important feature of Mark’s Gospel?
Subject: Religious Education
Topics: Christianity
Roaring Twenties - KS4/KS5
Question: Were the ‘Roaring Twenties’ a good time to be alive in America?
Subject: History
Topics: America, Literature, 20th Century, Racism, Industry, Media, Community
What mysteries are NOT available on the App Store yet?
Baboushka - KS1/KS2
Question: Why didn’t Baboushka follow the kings to Bethlehem?
Subject: RE, English
Topics: Christmas, Baboushka, Russia, Bethlehem, Jesus, Kings, Religious Education, English, Story, Nativity, Mary, Joseph
Great Exhibition - KS2
Question: Why did Charles Featherstone only visit the Great Exhibition once?
Subject: History
Topics: History, Victorians, Inventions, Great Exhibition, Engineering
The Booth Family - KS2
Question: Should the Booth family move to Manchester?
Subject: History, English
Topics: Group discussion and interaction, Victorian era, 19th century, inventions
Young Germans And The Holocaust - KS3/KS4
Question: Emil’s younger sister has asked him what happens to the people who are being deported, and why they are being taken away. What do you think he would tell her?
Subject: History, English
Topics: German History, Holocaust, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Jews, Genocide, Nazi
Development In Italy - KS3/KS4
Question: Why does Marco want to speak to his cousin?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Economy, Industry, Employment, Investment, Migration
Cyclones In Myanmar - KS3/KS4
Question: Why is Salema going to school during the holidays?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Hazards, Nature, Environment, Disaster, Society
Decline Of Coastal Resorts - KS3/KS4
Question: Why is Glenda cooking breakfast for the last time?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Coastal resorts, Tourism, Regeneration, Economy, Environment
Shopping And Land Use Change - KS3/KS4
Question: Why does Gail’s weekly shopping trip take 40 minutes longer?
Subject: Geography
Topics: CBD, Economy, Society, Environment, Effects, Redevelopment
Coastal Erosion - KS3/KS4
Question: Why are Tony and Louise worried about their future?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Erosion, Nature, Effects, Society, Economy, Environment
International Migration - KS4/KS5
Question: Why does Adrianna call London home?
Subject: Geography
Topics: Migration, Society, Economy, Politics, Citizenship
Spanish Armada - KS3
Question: Why did Philip II of Spain decide to launch an armada of ships to invade England, and would he be sorry he did so?
Subject: History
Topics: Spanish History, Naval Warfare, Tudors, Religion, Christianity
Civil Rights In USA - KS4
Question: Why were Black people treated badly in Twentieth Century America?
Subject: History, English
Topics: US History, Law, Politics, Economy, Culture, 20th Century, Racism, Prejudice
Lord Of The Flies - KS4
Question: In ‘Lord of the Flies,’ who is responsible for the murders on the island?
Subject: English
Topics: Literature, Moral, Responsibility, Nature, Murder, Island, Children
Sport vs Library Facilities - KS3/KS4
Question: Your school has been given a ‘one off’ gift of £500,000. There are two proposals as to how the money could be spent; one is to expand the school library and ICT facilities, the other is to invest in sports and games equipment. Which proposal would you choose?
Subject: English
Topics: Writing, Persuasive Arguments, Sport, Exercise
Holes - Use Of Language - KS3
Question: How does Louis Sachar use language to explore different themes and ideas in Holes?
Subject: English
Topics: Literature, Civil Rights, Racism, Crime, Punishment, Society, Imagery
Peter Pan - KS3
Question: Why will ‘Peter Pan’ never grow up?
Subject: English / Drama
Topics: Literature, Relationships, Bereavement, Edwardian, England, Children, Social Class
Of Mice And Men - KS4
Question: Is Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice And Men’ just a ‘sad story’? Or are there any parts of it that make you feel positive or ‘uplifted’?
Subject: English
Topics: Literature, Steinbeck, Redemption, Loneliness, Tragedy, Society, Humanity, Deprivation, Poor
Help Poor Law - KS3
Question: How would you distribute charity to the applicants who are appearing before you?
Subject: History, English
Topics: Literature, Welfare, Charity, Society, 20th Century, Financial, Class