While we are no longer developing Digital Mysteries and Thinking Kit, we are leaving our website up for those of you interested in the ideas behind the Apps.


To help you use our products to their full potential, we've gathered this list of resources which you may find useful. Whether it's how to create a mystery, how to begin solving one, or how to understand the concepts behind the program, we hope this page can help.

Digital Mysteries

Basic introduction to Digital Mysteries - This is a short, visual guide with screenshots of important stages and menus to help you get started.

How To' video (Digital Mysteries for iPad) - Although the Digital Mysteries apps are often spoke of as user-intuitive, this video goes through the whole process and explains the customisation and reporting features available.

5 ways to make the most out of Digital Mysteries - Blog post which outlines a few key elements of our apps that you may have missed.

User's Guide - This is a more in-depth document which has information on the learning principles behind the software including Moseley et al's 'Integrated model for understanding thinking and learning' (2005).

'How To' video (touch) - Alternatively, you can watch a 5 minute video which explains step by step how to use Digital Mysteries.

'How To' video (multi-mouse) - This video features all of our new updates and guides you through the Digital Mysteries library too.

How to interpet what's on the screen (teachers) - If you are teaching in a class where there are several groups, you may find this A4 sheet handy to have as you walk around the room. It's a quick guide to the features of Digital Mysteries which will tell you what's going on in each group.

Quick reference sheet - This is a simple A4 handout which you can print out to either have handy yourself or print out for each group. It's a useful sheet to have when classes are starting out with the software, so they can quickly be reminded what each tool does.

Using Digital Mysteries as a general collaboration tool - This takes you to a page which explains how some schools use the program with student or teacher prepared content. In this example, a class used it to import their notes, images and videos from their field trip to Warkworth, Northumberland.

Mystery Creator

Please see below a short video of the Mystery Creator in action or a slightly longer 'how-to' video,

See how Marden High School got on with the Mystery Creator (previously named the Authoring Tool) here.


Reflection Stage video - How does the Reflection Stage help externalise thoughts and ideas?

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Our Computing At Schools blog - We share our thoughts on the new computing curriculum, with tips and ideas to help educators implement it.

Our Collaborative Learning blog - We share research insights, interesting articles, learning resources and other pieces of information on collaborative learning (particularly computer supported collaboration).

Research - Please see our webpage for links to key research in this area, including some of Director Dr. Ahmed Kharrufa's award-winning papers.

You may also find our social media pages useful as we share ideas, insights and news on them:

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